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HomeEvent Calendar SAILing into the Future! Living with the End in Mind (in person)

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SAILing into the Future! Living with the End in Mind (in person)

Date and Time

Thursday, June 12, 2025, 1:00 PM until 3:00 PM


Oakwood University Woods
Nakoma/Westmorland rooms
6205 Mineral Point Rd
Madison, WI  


SAIL - Sharing Active Independent Lives
608-230-4321 (p)


SAIL Educational Event

Registration Info

Registration is required before Tuesday, June 10, 2025 at 4:00 PM

About this event

This session is for people who want to have an honest conversation about their mortality.
Brené Brown says, “You can be a character in your own story – a victim, villain, or hero, or you can be the author.”
Learn to be the author of your life story with us. We’ll explore what really matters, the four things that are most important to say to those we love, and get started on your “what does ready look like?” checklist. You will leave with provocative questions, meaningful practices, helpful resources, and next steps for how you can live with the end in mind…now.

Julie Swanson is an end of life doula who brings an emergent learning approach to her work, which includes story coaching, hosting workshops, and providing a co-creative guide for learning journeys. She has 30+ years of experience in adult learning, communications, public health, and systems change. Julie is a lifelong learner who is currently exploring these questions:
– What does it mean to be an elder?
– What if endings are places of possibility, beauty, and meaning?
– What’s possible now?

This workshop is part of SAILing into the future! The workshops are designed to introduce you to the critical components of an aging plan and are interactive sessions led by local professionals. 

Number of People Who Will Attend

Non-Member *
(No Fee)
* This can be your primary registrant type. Only one primary registrant type is allowed per registration.
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